February 2023

The deceleration in the rates of both maternal mortality and infant mortality, despite efforts and improvements in general health status indicators, lead to the creation of the A.O. No. 2008-0029 which is geared towards significantly lowering the risk of dying secondary to pregnancy and childbirth, one of which is due to home births without the assistance of a skilled birth attendant. In the Municipality of Ipil, Barangay Timalang is one of the barangays that had adapted the said policy to promote and encourage safe pregnancy among the residents, and along with the help of the Barangay Council, penalties were imposed on all involved. But, despite the efforts of the Barangay Health Center and the Barangay Council, 3 residents still delivered their babies at their own homes.
According to the three (3) individuals involved in the home delivery cases for the year 2022, the following were some of the reasons, (1) Financial unprepared; (2) The rest of the children will be left behind without a guardian or companion; (3) distance to the birthing facility; and (4) The thought of the abdominal pain being caused by UTI as opposed to it being a sign of true labor. The medical students, in partnership with Timalang’s Barangay Health Center and Barangay officials, have come up with interventions such as health teachings during Mother’s Class, counseling during Prenatal Day, and the creation of a pregnancy tracking board to promote facility-based deliveries and monitor pregnant residents to avoid giving birth at home.